Membership Inquiries in Tennessee

Membership in the organization is by sponsorship only. Members must be lineal descendants of an ancestor who rendered significant service to his country during the Colonial period before July 5, 1776. Membership is sponsored and managed by each state.

The NSCDA Constitution, Article III, sets forth the eligibility of members as follows:

MEMBERSHIP The Corporate Societies shall be composed entirely of women who are lineal bloodline descendants from an ancestor of worthy life who, residing in an American colony, rendered efficient service to our country during the Colonial period, either in the founding of a State or Commonwealth, or of an institution which has survived and developed into importance, or who shall have held an important position in a Colonial government, or who by distinguished services, shall have contributed to the founding of our nation.

DATE OF ANCESTOR’S SERVICES All services which constitute a claim to membership must have been rendered before July 5, 1776, but this date shall be held to include all signers of the Declaration of Independence.


"I joined the Dames last year for a couple of reasons. First, I really love genealogy and was interested to find out that I could trace my roots back to colonial times. Secondly, I have worked in the male-dominated field of IT for more than a decade, and I wanted to spend time with more intelligent, thoughtful, and confident women. Joining the Dames has not been a disappointment. I am surrounded by engaging women who have welcomed me with open arms. Even though I am a very new member, I was honored to be asked to be the recording secretary for the Nashville Town Committee. I look forward to many years with the Dames, learning about our nation's colonial history and volunteering for the betterment of today's society."

-Julie Brymer, Nashville

"I joined the Dames last year for a couple of reasons. First, I really love genealogy and was interested to find out that I could trace my roots back to colonial times. Secondly, I have worked in the male-dominated field of IT for more than a decade, and I wanted to spend time with more intelligent, thoughtful, and confident women. Joining the Dames has not been a disappointment. I am surrounded by engaging women who have welcomed me with open arms. Even though I am a very new member, I was honored to be asked to be the recording secretary for the Nashville Town Committee. I look forward to many years with the Dames, learning about our nation's colonial history and volunteering for the betterment of today's society." -Julie Brymer, Nashville

"The NSCDA tradition in my family is a strong one. My grandmother loved genealogy. She became a member of the Dames and imparted a strong sense of pride and patriotism for our Founding Fathers in her children and grandchildren. My mother has served as a state officer for the Alabama Dames. Joining didn’t really seem like a choice; it was a tradition. Until I moved to Nashville, I had no idea how fortunate I was to be included as a member. I moved to Nashville in 2002 after finishing graduate school. I had no family in Tennessee and no easy way to meet new people outside of work. Becoming involved in Dames activities, first as a “Young Dame” and later as a Town Committee and now State officer, I have found deep and lasting among these talented and philanthropic ladies. The tradition will continue with my daughters as well."

 -Francie Logan, Nashville

"The NSCDA tradition in my family is a strong one. My grandmother loved genealogy. She became a member of the Dames and imparted a strong sense of pride and patriotism for our Founding Fathers in her children and grandchildren. My mother has served as a state officer for the Alabama Dames. Joining didn’t really seem like a choice; it was a tradition. Until I moved to Nashville, I had no idea how fortunate I was to be included as a member. I moved to Nashville in 2002 after finishing graduate school. I had no family in Tennessee and no easy way to meet new people outside of work. Becoming involved in Dames activities, first as a “Young Dame” and later as a Town Committee and now State officer, I have found deep and lasting among these talented and philanthropic ladies. The tradition will continue with my daughters as well."  -Francie Logan, Nashville

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