Patriotic Service
Patriotic Service programs promotes respect for the people, places, and events that led to the formation of our country. The Tennessee Dames provide American History awards which are grants-in-aid to undergraduate and graduate students studying American History or related areas, such as Historic Preservation, in Tennessee colleges and universities. They also send an outstanding Tennessee high school student who is the winner of the Congressional Essay Contest to Washington, DC to participate in the week-long Washington Workshops Foundation Congressional Seminar. The Tennessee Dames also contribute to the American Indian Nurse Scholarship Fund, one of the first scholarship funds established by the Dames in 1927. Our individual Town Committees have and participate in many projects to support American troops, veterans, and their families. They send care package to combat areas and to Landstuhl Medical Center in Germany. Collections of personal care items and other needed articles for the Tennessee VA Medical Centers is a tangible way to thank our veterans for their sacrifice and service. Showing support and appreciation to veterans directly supports the mission and Objects of our Society. They also attend Naturalization Ceremonies and welcome new citizens into our great country with gifts of flag brochures, flags, lapel pin flags.