NSCDA – Nashville Town Committee Meeting Minutes
March 29, 2018
Belle Meade Country Club
Co-chair Pam Shampain called the meeting to order. She led us in the Lord’s Prayer. The colors were presented. Cynthia Harris led us in the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem. The colors were posted. Mrs. Harris read the Objects of the Society.
Officer Reports
Cynthia Harris, Pam Shampain
- Minutes of fall meeting Nov 2017 were approved by board at board meeting in Green Hills.Minutes will be approved by committee of three. See Julie Brymer for copy of minutes.
- Jane Stone and her daughters, who are Kentucky dames, were recognized.
New Dames
Nancy Grimes
- Tina Adams, Paige Wiseman, Leanne Elder, Helen Alexander new dames, introduced themselves.
- Guests Linda Sour and Drucy Bishop, Betsey Secman, Mary Deese, Liz Meyer, Jane Manning, Kitty Murphy, Mary Jo Harlin, Vicky Davis, Julie Franklin were introduced.
- Grimes requested volunteers to help with activities for new dames and their husbands.
Caroline Rochford
- Recognized former Nashville Town Committee Treasurer Margaret Frazier.
- Frazier may be the longest running Treasurer for the Nashville Town Committee.
- She was presented with a bouquet.
- We are making improvements to our state web site, nscdatn.org.
- Photographs from the Christmas party are in the lobby.Members are encouraged to take home any photos they like.
Susan Walker
- New Dame Jan Woodard has been appointed the new Treasurer.
- Susan will chair the nominating committee for next year.
- We elect Nashville Town Committee chair, vice chair, recording secretary, registrar, corresponding secretary next year.This happens every two years.
Sondra Lee
- Death of member Margaret Elizabeth Young.
- No reinstatements, transfers in or out, resignations, or dropped members.
- We have 301 members.
Corresponding Secretary
Elizabeth Farmer
- Farmer continues to write notes
Margaret Frazier
- $17,341 balance in our account
- Waiting for outstanding invoice for Tea & Toddy.
- Also awaiting a donation.
- We should be able to donate $500 to each of the four homes we support, Dumbarton House, Gunston Hall, Sulgrave Manor, and Travellers Rest.
Recording Secretary
Julie Brymer
- Committee of three to review meeting notes.
- Reach out to the recording secretary for copies of any notes.
Committee Report
Joan Campbell
- Campbell has received a letter of appreciation from the Department of the Army for her crocheted gifts that she has given to soldiers and families at Ft. Campbell.
- Blanchfield Army Community Hospital wrote a letter of thanks for blankets Ms. Campbell made.Blankets are given to veterans to keep.
- Underwear donations go to veterans in tote bags that Ms. Campbell sewed.
Why America is Free Project
Matte Campbell
- “Why America is Free” is a six-week colonial curriculum for 4th & 5th graders.
- Oak Hill school has purchased and utilized the curriculum.
- The NTC board voted to endorse this curriculum.
- The cost of the curriculum is a $4,300 one-time fee.This fee includes:
- Course materials
- A workshop by the creators of the curriculum for the instructors
- Updates to the program
- Campbell asked that members help find financial sponsors for schools who cannot afford the fee.Sponsor options included:
- pencil partners
- parents and grandparents
- or utilize HAPS fund interest
- If any members have influence at a school, please help Ms. Campbell get a meeting with the headmaster or principal.
Travelers Rest and Tea & Toddy
Ann Kelly
- Travellers Rest was closed part of January for cleaning and planning.
- The state board hosted a thank you lunch for staff.
- On February 25th, Travelers Rest hosted Tea & Toddy, a fundraiser for the historic houses Dumbarton House, Gunston Hall, Sulgrave Manor, and Travelers Rest.
- In March, the Nashville Archives presented a program on researching African-American genealogy.
- Registration is occurring for summer camps, including
- A new camp for young craftsmen
- Mary’s Academy which teaches girls how to act like a lady in 1812.
- Repairs and updates have been made to the property.
- Eagle scouts have built new paths.
- One column has been repaired, and one column is being investigated for repair.
- Travelers Rest will be evaluated by the museum standards organization American Alliance of Museums.
- Applied for a peer-reviewed operational assessment.
- Fiscal year ends on June 30.
Susan Walker
- We are starting a Dames book club.Please see Pam Shampain or Susan Walker to sign up.
- On April 12 at 2:30 p.m., there will be a special tour of the exhibit America Creative at the Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery.There may also be a tour in May.
Colors were retired. Cynthia Harris offered the blessing. The meeting was adjourned, and lunch was served.